Thursday, December 28, 2023

Be Free of Suffering; 4 Better Ways to Relate to Money; How Buddhism Met Science



Be Free of Suffering

Pema Chödrön offers a method for generating love and compassion for all human beings.


4 Better Ways to Relate to Money

There’s a lot of neurosis around the subject of money. Financial expert Spencer Sherman on four states of mind we can cultivate to improve our relationship with it.


How Buddhism Met Science: A Monastic Scholar’s Journey

Dhondup T. Rekjong shares the journey of Geshe Thabkhe, a Tibetan monastic scholar at the intersection of the ongoing dialogue between Buddhism and modern science.


Ani Trime’s 10 Affirmations for a Peaceful and Open Mind

The late Tibetan Buddhist nun Ani Trime developed a series of simple, straightforward affirmations to teach people to plant seeds of positivity in their minds. Here are 10 affirmations from her toolkit for cultivating a freer, more open mind.

Holiday Blues

Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller on enjoying the holiday you’re having, not the one you were hoping for.


How to Practice Deep Relaxation

Relaxing the mind is a big goal of Buddhist practice, but to do that you need to relax your body as well. Sister Chan Khong teaches us a three-step practice to access a deep restfulness that rivals sleep.

For Subscribers: “The Essential Guide to Dzogchen & Mahamudra” Ebook

Dzogchen and Mahamudra, the Great Perfection and the Great Seal, are powerful meditative systems for revealing the nature of mind. While their methods may differ, their essence is the same. In this ebook available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, Buddhist teachers Mingyur Rinpoche, Willa Blythe Baker, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, and more dive into the essence of this tradition.

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