Tuesday, December 12, 2023

How to Make a Spectacular Mistake; Podcast: Fear, Forgiveness, and Self-care; 10 Tips for a Mindful Home



How to Make a Spectacular Mistake

You’re going to make one anyway, says Anita Feng. So why not go big? You might end up with something more beautiful than perfection.


The Lion’s Roar Podcast: Fear, Forgiveness, and Self-care with Mushim Ikeda

Feelings of grief, panic and helplessness can lead one to do unpredictable, irrational things. In this selection from Lion’s Roar’s online course Medicine for Fear, dharma teacher Mushim Patricia Ikeda of the East Bay Meditation Center talks about the art of “feeling all the feelings” without causing harm to yourself and others and why the smallest act of kindness can be a powerful form of activism.


10 Tips for a Mindful Home

Karen Maezen Miller offers 10 simple tips for keeping a mindful home. How simple? Well, as Karen says, “If you can do the first one, the next nine take care of themselves.”



Take Refuge in Your Body

When the storms of life hit, your body can be a place of refuge and healing. Cyndi Lee says it starts with making friends with your body.

Para leer este articulo en español: Toma refugio en tu cuerpo

Yes, We Can Have Hope

Roshi Joan Halifax reflects on the idea of “wise hope” and why we should open ourselves to it.

Overworked & Overwhelmed

There are burdens we can’t put down, says Furyu Nancy Schroeder. That fact is the true heart of our human life.  

For Subscribers: “Deep Dive Into Vipassana” Ebook

Theravada is the earliest form of institutionalized Buddhism and is still practiced today in Sri Lanka. In the US, Theravada mostly manifests through the teaching of Vipassana, particularly its popular meditation technique, mindfulness, the awareness of what is happening now — thoughts, feelings, sensations — without judgment or attachment. In this ebook available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, you’ll learn the history behind Vipassana and how to practice it with wisdom from Bhante Bodhidhamma, Joseph Goldstein, Bhikkhu Bodhi and more.

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