Sunday, December 24, 2023

My Meditation Journey with Vidyamala Burch


My Meditation Journey with Vidyamala Burch
January 27

10 a.m. EDT (New York), 4 p.m. CET (Berlin),
11 p.m. HKT (Hong Kong)


Join Vidyamala Burch, a living testament to the transformative power of mindfulness in the face of chronic pain, for this sixty-minute conversation.

At age 17, Burch sustained spinal injuries that required multiple surgeries, leaving her with chronic pain and partial paraplegia. After experiencing despair, anger, and hopelessness, she discovered mindfulness as a way to ease suffering. She will discuss the mindfulness techniques, breathwork, and practical strategies that propelled her beyond pain.

Requirements for participation: This program is open to everyone.

Recordings of the event will be posted in English only on YouTube within 72 hours.

Learn more and register here

Please feel free to contact us at with any questions you may have.

Learning every moment,
Tergar Learning Community

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