Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Religion of the Future


Lectures Universal Wisdom
newsletter TSPL December 2023-2
In this extra newsletter we send you our latest issue of our magazine Lucifer the Lightbringer, to lighten up the coming period of rest and reflection. We wish you all an inspiring Winter Solstice!
Magazine Lucifer the Lightbringer
Lucifer No. 4 - 2023

In this issue:

Symposium 2023: The Religion of the Future
  • Introduction

  • One Life

  • Religion is a workout

  • The religion of the future

Other articles
  • The soul of an ideal

  • Impartiality: guarantee of peace

  • Q&A about symbols

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Course Universal Wisdom

You can still subscribe for our new course Universal Wisdom starting January (20th or 21st, in consultation). The course is held online via Zoom from 4-6 PM CET.


This course is based on Universal Wisdom. Everyone can get to know this wisdom. This wisdom is not new; it is the heart of all great religious, philosophical and scientific systems. This wisdom enables you to solve any question of life and to contribute to a more harmonious world.


Read more and register
Course Universal Wisdom
Karma: your destiny!

Many organizations are concerned with issues of war and peace. Rarely does karma get involved, while war can always be traced to our own thoughts and actions of discord, strife, nationalism and enmity.
How can we take our human responsibility and break the present atmosphere of war, creating a peaceful, harmonious future? 


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Lectures LIVE on Sunday January 7 at 19.30 CET. Convert to your timezoneRelated study meetings on Sunday January 14 at 19.30 CET via Zoom.


Sign up for the study group
Becoming familiar with the cycle of life and death

There is a growing need in society to have a conversation about everything that has to do with life, dying and death. How that conversation proceeds depends very much on the starting points. Do you assume the singularity of life or cyclicality, reincarnation? 


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Video past lecture

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