Wednesday, February 14, 2024

A Revolution of Love; Step Into Awareness with Walking Meditation; The Power of Mindfulness



Toward a Revolution of Love

In this important essay, the late bell hooks inspires us to make her vision of a culture of love come true.  


Step Into Awareness

Walking meditation is not just an opportunity to stretch our legs, says Koun Franz. It’s a practice in living all of life as meditation. From the March 2024 issue of Lion’s Roar.


The Power of Mindfulness

Diana Winston on how to use the tools of mindfulness to work with negative patterns like shame, guilt, and self-criticism that stand in the way of caring for and liking yourself.


Relationship As Teacher

Lama Karma Yeshe Chödrön and Lama Karma Zopa Jigme share the value in engaging everything as your teacher, including your relationships. From the newest issue of Buddhadharma, whose theme is "The Teacher & The Student."

Desintoxica tu mente: Cinco prácticas para purificar los Tres Venenos

Cinco maestros budistas comparten prácticas para purificar los venenos que causan sufrimiento y oscurecen nuestra iluminación natural. Introducción de Melvin Mcleod, editor en jefe de Lion’s Roar.

Read “Detox Your Mind: 5 Practices to Purify the 3 Poisons in English, here.


The Four Highest Emotions

Ayya Khema on cultivating loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity.

For Subscribers: “The Essential Guide to Practices for the Heart” Ebook

Compassion, friendliness, kindness, love — these four virtues are the keys to a good life. Every religion in every part of the world agrees that being open-hearted is a good thing. Buddhism works to empower us to cultivate that open-heartedness. In this guide available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, you’ll find insightful teachings and easy-to-follow meditation instructions for cultivating compassion, joy, equanimity, and metta.

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