Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Pema Chödrön‘s 5 Reasons to Meditate; How to Apologize; A Practice to Work with Grief



5 Reasons to Meditate

The simple act of stopping, says Pema Chödrön, is the best way to cultivate our good qualities. Here are five ways meditation makes us better people.  


How to Apologize When You Say the Wrong Thing

René Rivera on how to have empathy for the person you’ve hurt — and yourself. From the March 2024 issue of Lion’s Roar


A Practice to Work With Grief

Kimberly Brown takes us through the practice of “standing on the earth,” which can help us in times of great change and grief.


Navigating Marriage as a Buddhist-Christian Couple

Kaira Jewel Lingo and Fr. Adam Bucko share how their union as a Buddhist-Christian couple has revealed that love is not only a feeling, but an intentional practice

Practicando en Familia

Muchos creen que la vida familiar puede convertirse en un obstáculo para la práctica del Budismo. Nuno Gonçalves nos presenta una perspectiva alternativa, donde la familia se convierte en un sólido apoyo para nuestra práctica.


A Meeting of the Minds

Anne C. Klein on the importance of listening, relating, and actively engaging with our teachers as the foundation for a genuine, transformative connection with them. From the “The Teacher & The Student” issue of Buddhadharma.

For Subscribers: “Meditations for Befriending Yourself” Audio Pack

Take some time to make friends with what you’re feeling. This audio collection available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers includes helpful, easy-to-follow meditation practices that will help you slow down, let go of what burdens you, and center yourself from Willa Blythe Baker, Ethan Nichtern, Josh Korda, and Diana Winston.

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