Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Buddha‘s Path of Joy and Liberation; New Frontiers in Contemplative Science; A Jewish-Buddhist Practice for Well-Being



The Path of Joy and Liberation

The Buddha’s four noble truths include the truth that the eightfold path is a way out of suffering. It’s not just the path to happiness, says Sister True Dedication. It’s happiness itself.

Para leer este artículo en español: El sendero de la alegría y la liberación  


New Frontiers in Contemplative Science

A new generation of scientists is studying the effects of spiritual practice on body and mind. Barry Boyce reports on what they’re learning.  


A Jewish-Buddhist Practice for Well-Being

Darren Kleinberg teaches a Jewish-Buddhist practice for holding the whole universe in your heart.


How Mindfulness Enhances Cold Water Therapy

Roberval Oliveira shares his experience with cold water therapy, highlighting the important role mindfulness has played in unlocking its numerous benefits.

Sweeping My Heart

When Zenju Earthlyn Manuel was assigned to clean the Zen temple, she felt generations of oppression rise in her. Conversing with her ancestors about what this work really meant helped her see how it could be healing.


Develop a Mind Like Sky

Meditation comes alive through a growing capacity to release our habitual conflicts and worries that make up our sense of self, and to rest in awareness. Jack Kornfield shows us how to cultivate a mind that’s open and spacious.

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