Thursday, March 21, 2024

A Meditation to Befriend Your Feelings; Celebrating Women‘s Contributions: Khujjuttara; The Swift Path to Buddhahood



A Meditation to Befriend Your Feelings

How you relate to your feelings, says Willa Blythe Baker, may be the most important habit of all. When you meet your feelings with grace and mindfulness, you find they’re your best friends on the spiritual path.


The Story of Khujjuttara

Wendy Garling tells the story of Khujjuttara, one of the Buddha’s foremost female lay disciples.

Hear more stories of Buddhist women from Wendy Garling in Lion’s Roar’s “Women of Wisdom Summit,” March 21-25.

Chef Zoey Xinyi Gong Is Mindfully Uplifting Traditional Chinese Food and Medicine

Zoey Xinyi Gong talks to Karen Jensen about her relationship to Buddhism and how it informs her work as a dietician and Traditional Chinese Medicine chef. Plus, two recipes from The Five Elements Cookbook.


Let Your Mind Move

Francis Sanzaro on the profound potential for awakening found in unifying body and mind.


The Swift Path to Buddhahood

Pema Khandro on the fascinating history, practice, and purpose of the Six Dharmas of Naropa. From the Spring 2024 “Six Dharmas of Naropa” issue of Buddhadharma

Free “Women of Wisdom Summit” begins March 21

This free five-day online event brings together esteemed scholars and thought leaders to explore the roots of feminine wisdom.


Buddhadharma on Books: Spring 2024

Constance Kassor reviews The Sound of Vulture’s Wings by Jeffrey W. Cupchik, The Kalachakra Mandala by Edward Henning, Xuedou’s 100 Odes to Old Cases by Steven Heine, and more.

For Subscribers: “Cultivating Positive Habits of Mind” Audio Pack

This audio collection available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers features psychologist, author, and Insight meditation teacher Sylvia Boorstein as she leads you through talks and guided meditation practices to help release the mind from patterned behavior and toward happiness. 

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