Sunday, March 3, 2024

Khenpo Gyaltsen in Indonesia


Dear Dharma Friend,

Vajrayana students are strongly encouraged to join Khenpo’s series of three teachings on Samaya and How to Keep Pure Perception which will stream from March 2-4th. Please note that to join these teachings it is necessary to have received a Vajrayana empowerment.

Khenpo will also teach sessions on the Essence of Mind, The View of Buddha Nature, the Eight Verses of Mind Training, and Mastering Our Minds and Hearts. These teachings are open to all.

On March 9, Khenpo has graciously agreed to answer student questions. This is an excellent opportunity to receive advice and clarification, so please feel free to pose your questions to Khenpo!

Please check all the dates, times, and topics of the Zoom streaming on Samye Institute’s calendar. You can check your time zone here.

Join the Samaya teachings here

Meeting ID: 819 2186 8110

Passcode: 342 097

We will use the same Zoom link for all teachings, except for the Samaya teachings:

Join all other teachings here

Meeting ID: 871 3060 3247

Passcode: 822 798

To learn more about Khenpo Gyaltsen click here. Khenpo is the author of an introductory volume on Buddhadharma, A Lamp Illuminating the Path to Liberation. You can access it in English here.

If you have any questions please write to

Rejoicing in your practice,

Samye Events Team

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