Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Registration Is Now Open


Registration Is Now Open
2024 Kathmandu In-Person Events
with Mingyur Rinpoche

We are excited to announce that registration is now open for the 2024 Kathmandu retreats with Mingyur Rinpoche!

For the first time ever, Mingyur Rinpoche will transmit key Dzogchen teachings from the Dorje Drolö cycle to a Western audience in person at Osel Ling Monastery — the vibrant spiritual core of the Tergar lineage and the home and monastic seat of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. In addition, he will offer a closing retreat for this year’s transmission on Tilopa’s Ganges Mahamudra, the Path of Liberation Levels 1 & 2 retreat, and Dzogchen Teachings from Flight of the Garuda for Path of Liberation 5 students.

As Rinpoche will not be traveling outside of India and Nepal in 2024, this is an incredible opportunity to receive these profound teachings in an authentic environment and in the presence of a living Buddhist master.

To help everyone prepare for the trip to Nepal, Tergar will offer webinars on travel tips and what to expect when visiting Kathmandu. You can register for the sessions (or watch the recordings thereafter) by clicking on the links below. We will not be taking live questions, so please submit any questions you may have in advance of the sessions during the Zoom registration. We hope you can join us in Nepal!
Download Kathmandu Info Booklet
Please feel free to contact us at EventSupport@tergar.org with any questions.

Learning every moment, 
Tergar Learning Community 

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