Friday, March 8, 2024

Reserve Your Free Access: The Women of Wisdom Summit


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The Women of Wisdom Summit begins in just two weeks. We are so excited for this event, and we encourage you to save your free spot if you haven’t signed up yet! You don’t want to miss this opportunity to hear from 19 inspiring women who will share their deep insights and practical wisdom for healing, well-being, and collective growth.

All are welcome to join this empowering and uplifting event and learn from esteemed Buddhist scholars, thought leaders, and teachers including Jan Willis, Trudy Goodman, Rhonda Magee, Lama Tsultrim Allione, Tami SImon, Kaira Jewel Lingo, Arisika Razak, Cyndi Lee, Lama Döndrup Drolma, Paula Arai, and many more.

Click here to sign up for free and gain access to this groundbreaking event.

Here’s a sneak peek at a few of the sessions you can look forward to:

  • Embrace curiosity and kindness in your practice, focusing your body's capabilities without judgment

  • Utilize gentle yoga poses to reduce stress, lower cortisol levels, and promote relaxation, aiding in overall well-being

  • Develop a deeper understanding of your body's needs and limitations by tuning in to how you feel, recognizing that your practice may vary based on daily fluctuations

  • Learn the profound impact of using kind and understanding communication as a tool for personal healing, mending relationships, and fostering a supportive community

  • Discover strategies for developing a mindset that embraces challenges as opportunities, leading to a more fulfilled and contented life

  • Gain insights into the process of recognizing personal and collective suffering, and how this awareness can serve as a catalyst for emotional and spiritual growth

  • Reflect on the interconnectedness of all beings and elements, acknowledging the diversity and unity within the circle of life

  • Commit to bridging divides across ethnic, geographic, gender, and other societal lines, fostering inclusivity and understanding

  • Engage in actions that honor the sacredness of all beings, aiming to create a more compassionate and harmonious world

See the full line-up and details about each session when you sign up.

Join us for free from March 21st – 25th as we honor the invaluable wisdom of the feminine in Buddhist teachings, and recognize trailblazing women teachers past and present who are shaping personal and collective pathways toward healing, growth, and awakening.

Whether you're a seasoned Buddhist practitioner, a curious seeker, or simply have a passion for learning and personal growth, this event is designed to inspire, empower, and enrich your spiritual path with a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Register For Free

PS. When you sign up, you’ll get a free instant-download eBook: Fearlessness, Love, and Living Fully: bell hooks in conversation with Maya Angelou, Pema Chödrön, Sharon Salzberg, and Eve Ensler.

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