Monday, August 5, 2024

Nekhor Webcast: Following the Footsteps of the Lotus-Born Guru


Nekhor Webcast: Following the Footsteps of the Lotus-Born Guru

Closely following the Pema Kathang, The Chronicles of Padma, a biography of Guru Rinpoche revealed by Orgyen Lingpa from Yarlung Sheldrak, the upcoming webcast will guide the viewers through Guru Rinpoche’s entire life story. Join us every month on Guru Rinpoche day, as we journey from Dhanakosha in Uddiyana, across the vast plains of India, through the valleys, mountains, and rivers of Nepal, up the Himalayas into the Tibetan Plateau, culminating in the sacred Gunthang Pass in Mangyul.

As Guru Padmasambhava was leaving Tibet, he consoled his grieving heart disciple, Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal with the following pith instruction:

When you recount my life-story, you will be filled with inspiration.༔

When you see my qualities and my understanding, deep faith will be born within you. ༔

When that faith becomes unshakeable conviction, then my blessing will enter and transform you. ༔

When your mind is free of all doubts, whatever you wish can be achieved. ༔

— Revealed by Tulku Zangpo Drakpa

Taking these precious words to heart, we sincerely invite you to join us this upcoming Guru Rinpoche Day via Samye Institute. For those unable to join the live event, recordings will be made available via our Nekhor YouTube channel. It is our deepest wish that recounting Guru Padmasambhava’s life and liberation through the principal places of their unfolding will allow Guru Rinpoche’s blessings to sink deep into the hearts of all who consider him their refuge and all who seek to grow closer to his sacred body, enlightened speech, and profound wisdom.

About Nekhor

An initiative of Samye Translations, and guided by Phakchok Rinpoche, Nekhor is driven by a single mission: to connect you with the sacred sites where awakened masters have lived, practiced, and benefited our world. Over the past decade, we developed the Nekhor website and app and published the three-part series "Following in Your Footsteps: The Lotus-Born Guru in Nepal, India, and Tibet," tracing the full arc of Guru Rinpoche’s enlightened journey through this world. Our goal is for Nekhor to become an ever-growing treasury of sacred sites, encompassing those of all buddhas, bodhisattvas, yidams, dakinis, and awakened masters who have blessed our world.

Event Details

Date: August 14th (Guru Rinpoche Day)

Time: 5:45 - 7:15 PM Nepal Time

You can check the time in your country here.

Languages: We will provide interpretation into Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Indonesian.

ID: 889 1833 4602

Passcode: 761543


The Samye Institute Team

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