Thursday, August 20, 2020

Inside The New Issue of Buddhadharma



“Waking up is a lifetime endeavour–a lifetime of failure, of repair, and of returning. Woke is the engagement, not the end product; it is the work under our noses, right here, right now.”
 No One Wakes Up Until We All Wake Up
Commentary by Tenku Ruff

Available now to Buddhadharma subscribers:


The Opposite of Grasping is Intimacy | Lama Willa Miller
Turning to the Present Moment of Racism | Doshin Mako Voelkel
Waking Up in Dark Times | Ajahn Sucitto
Comparing Mahamudra and Dzogchen | Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

+ The Enduring Teachings of Suzuki Roshi:
The 50th Anniversary of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind 

+ Reviews of 7 Buddhist Books by Joie Szu-Chiao Chen
& more.

Subscribe and choose digital or all access

to start reading the entire Fall Issue today.


Take a sneak peek inside the Fall Issue online:

When Sadness Rages Like Fire
Pema Khandro Rinpoche shares the life of the Tibetan yogi Shabkar, whose practice and teachings were inseparable from loss and grief. 
Ask the Teachers: What is the Buddhist view of hope? Oren Jay Sofer, Sister Clear Grace, and Ayya Yeshe look at the meaning of hope in Buddhism and what it means in today’s world.

Subscribe and choose digital or all access

to start reading the entire Fall Issue today.


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