Thursday, August 20, 2020

Thich Nhat Hanh on birth and death; The Buddhist view of hope; How to practice bearing witness




Beyond Birth and Death
Water and wave, being and nonbeing, beginning and ending — liberation from all duality, teaches Thich Nhat Hanh, is the key to enlightenment.  

A Call to Awareness for White Buddhists
“At times like these,” says Ayesha Ali, “white people, and white institutions, reach out to Black people they barely know or have forgotten about.” She asks white practitioners to reach inside instead and examine their own life and privilege.
Ask the Teachers: What is the Buddhist view of hope?

Oren Jay Sofer, Sister Clear Grace, and Ayya Yeshe look at the meaning of hope in Buddhism and what it means in today’s world. 

The Sacred Feminine
In Vajrayana Buddhism, dakinis are seen as unbridled and enlightened feminine energy. Lama Tsultrim Allione on how she discovered her own dakini power. 
The Cool Wizardry of Steven D. Goodman
Author, professor, and translator of Tibetan Buddhist texts, Steven D. Goodman, passed away on August 3 at the age of 75. Michael Sheehy, one of his senior students, remembers the “cool wizardry” of his teacher.
How to Practice Bearing Witness
Zen teacher Jules Shuzen Harris teaches us a three-step practice to connect with and serve those who are suffering.
Think Again Before You Dismiss Magic
Roger R. Jackson reviews Buddhist Magic: Divination, Healing, and Enchantment Through the Ages by Sam van Schaik. 

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