Sunday, October 11, 2020

A Heartfelt Thank You | Plus, take a peek inside the new issue of Lion's Roar


BECAUSE MY ROLE at Lion’s Roar Foundation is connected to managing finances and general operations, I wasn’t able to adhere to a total “stay at home” life in the early days of the pandemic. Carefully, with a bit of trepidation, I would head into the office weekly. A bright spot arising from these treks was the warmth and appreciation I felt as I scanned the incoming mail. Whether a card from a reader in Ireland, a note jotted on the back of an envelope from a subscriber in New York, or a letter from a podcast listener in San Diego, these expressions of generosity and goodwill touched the hearts of Lion’s Roar staff.

I know many of you are on the receiving end of numerous requests for help during this difficult time. The impact of the pandemic is everywhere, and the publishing industry is no exception. Two areas in particular—the ripple effect of the hardship experienced by our loyal advertisers and a steep decline in magazine sales on newsstands—have put a dent in our operating budget.

Your financial support offers a buffer against these challenges. We’re thankful that, so far, we’ve not had to make significant cuts to our operations; in fact, we’re forging ahead with a range of efforts intended to improve Lion’s Roar and increase its potential to be of benefit. Doing so is essential to sustain Lion’s Roar into the future while ensuring we continue delivering on our promise to share Buddhist wisdom as widely as possible.

Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for helping Lion’s Roar continue to share the dharma and its profound wisdom during this difficult time.

~ BETH WALLACE,  Associate Publisher, Finance & Operations

Do you support our mission of making Buddhist wisdom accessible? Your subscription to Lion’s Roar goes a long way–thank you.


Inside the November Issue of Lion’s Roar


Go Deeper With Your Mindfulness


Are you ready to go deeper with your Mindfulness practice? If so, this is the Lion’s Roar issue for you. By taking a closer look at its history and fundamentals, you’ll develop more insight for a deeper mindfulness practice.

In this issue, learn about the Buddha’s original teachings on mindfulness, the wisdom and techniques Buddhists have developed over 2,600 years of practice, and the essential role mindfulness plays on the path to enlightenment. 
+ New Section! Explore Buddhism — the new educational section in every issue of Lion’s Roar, offering fascinating information that will deepen your understanding of Buddhism, no matter where you are on your spiritual path. In each issue, Explore Buddhism will dive into a single important topic—in November it’s the Buddha himself! Renowned experts Donald LopezJan WillisAndrew Olendski, and Professor Karma Lekshe Tsomo will explore the Buddha’s life, his central teachings, and his remarkable legacy.
Choose digital or all access
to start reading the entire November issue today. Plus, enjoy three free e-books to download when you subscribe.

Sample the November Issue Online

Healing Americas Racial Karma

More than 150 years after the end of slavery, America’s tragic racial karma rolls on. If we understand how karma really works, says Buddhist teacher Larry Ward, we can stop it.

Calm in the Midst of Chaos

Sharon Salzberg on the power of equanimity.

How Mindfulness Leads to Enlightenment

Melvin McLeod on how Buddhism uses mindfulness to develop the wisdom that frees us from suffering.
Subscribe and choose digital or all access
to start reading the entire November issue today. Plus, enjoy three free e-books to download when you subscribe.

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