Saturday, October 17, 2020

Harness The Energies of Your Environment


Discover The Ancient Manifesting Science of Feng Shui

Discover The Ancient Manifesting Science of Feng Shui

"Remember you are the creator of your Universe and your home and office is part of your Universe."


How To Apply The Ancient Art of Feng Shui

How To Apply The Ancient Art of Feng Shui

Could harnessing the energies of your environment be influencing your manifesting abilities? Join Feng Shui master, Marie Diamond as she reveals 5 unique techniques to apply this ancient science into your home and workplace so you can elevate your life, your wealth, and your health.

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4 Must-Follow Rules To Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur

4 Must-Follow Rules To Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur

Starting your own business is as rewarding as it is fraught with pitfalls and hurdles. To help you navigate the growth of your business, one of the UK’s most prolific entrepreneurs Martin Warner shares his insights in our latest Mindvalley Podcast episode.

Listen Now

Mindvalley University Virtual Returns This October

Mindvalley University Virtual Returns This October

After the fantastic positive feedback from the first iteration of this online event, we decided to bring back Mindvalley University Virtual this October 12-16. Learn from world class speakers, connect with your community, and grow faster than you believed possible.

(Mindvalley University Virtual is free for Mindvalley All Access members.)

Learn More

My Home Fitness Setup

My Home Fitness Setup

Wanted to give you guys a tour of my home and how I optimize my life and work for Mindvalley and biohacking.

These are some of the best ideas I learned from Mindvalley teacher and biohacker extraordinaire Ben Greenfield.

If you're a member of a gym and value your workout - Ben’s ideas will really change the game for you.

But if you're stuck at home under lockdown, you can apply a lot of his ideas directly in your home (as I show in this video ).⠀

Also follow Ben on @bengreenfieldfitness. He's frickin awesome.

Vishen Lakhiani
Founder of Mindvalley

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