Saturday, October 17, 2020

Intention = The secret ingredient to healing music


True healing music is made with specific intentions

"FREQUENCY + INTENT = HEALING" - Jonathan Goldman
Over time I've learned to always ask for guidance and that I may be present, connected, and in the moment, to create what will serve our highest timeline. 

Each sound meditation that I create is infused with a specific intention for healing. For an added boost, I may work with crystals, mantras, affirmations, or even multidimensional art.

During a creative session, I'll focus that energy through my heart chakra and into the music.

Here is an example: If the intention is to cultivate unconditional love, I will focus on that intention as I am recording the musical notes. Ultimately locking in that energy and permanently infusing the music with the power of unconditional love. 
This is what a great Chef does in the kitchen and why Mom's cooking is so amazing :)
Featured Intention: Self-Love
Music created with the intention of healing with an added benefit of assisting you with stepping fully into your personal power.
Through inspiration and special requests, you'll now find music on my site to help improve your sleep, to deepen your meditation, for energy and space clearing, and to provide emotional support to name a few.
Explore more categories

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