Thursday, May 26, 2022

Medicine For Fear | Our New Online Course


Dear friend,

We all experience fear. But beneath our fears is a deep capacity for fearlessness. When we learn to nurture this capacity, our life changes...

Medicine for Fear is the new multi-teacher online course from Lion's Roar and New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care. Led by six expert instructors, you’ll explore insightful teachings and guided practice sessions to help you ease fear and relax into your awakened nature.

Koshin Paley Ellison and Chodo Robert Campbell, guiding teachers at New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care, will guide you through the practices of Eihei Dogen’s 8 Practices of the Awakened Person. These "8 awarenesses" are said to be among the Buddha's final teachings, offering medicine for fear.

The course includes teachings and meditations from four more remarkable Buddhist teachers and spiritual leaders, each offering expert guidance and instruction for cultivating fearlessness in your everyday life:

  • Pamela Ayo Yetunde
    Exposing Your Fear and Vulnerability to Skilled Spiritual Friends
  • Kodo Nishimura
    Conquering Fear From Within
  • Mirabai Bush
    Love & Courage as Antidotes to Fear
  • Mushim Patricia Ikeda
    Working With the Fear of Our Own Emotions

Want to preview the course for free? 

Sign up for a free 3-day pass to unlock 3 of the 8 training sessions, led by Koshin Paley Ellison:

✓ Free Session: Knowing How to Be Satisfied
✓ Free Session: Exerting Meticulous Effort
✓ Free Session: Practicing One Pointed Attention
✓ Plus, 30% off the complete course
   (reserved for you for a limited time)

Get Free 3-Day Pass

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