Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Pulse - Gene Key 32 - Ancestral Reverence


Current World Theme
October 14th 2022 - October 19th 2022
Gene Key 32
Failure – Preservation – Veneration
Gene Key 32 2022
This Gift of Preservation is all about grafting. The strongest plants tend to be when we graft a young bud onto an old rootstock. The 32nd Gift is drawn to the old, the traditional, the ancestral, not in a staid way, but because there are things that have deep value from our past that are really worth nourishing for future generations. To create something of value, or to preserve something of value for future generations is the most wonderful way of spending one’s life.
From the Synthesis
Glossary of Empowerment - Fractal
Richard Rudd's commentary on the term 'fractal' as it appears in the Gene Keys synthesis. Fractal refers to the holographic manifestation of light as it enters the material world and illuminates its true nature. A fractal is an endlessly repeating natural pattern that is maintained throughout the universe regardless of scale.
Watch the video
Live Appearance
Pawa Festival
PAWA Festival
OCT 14 & 15 - PARIS
Join author and mystic Richard Rudd at PAWA Festival Paris, as he introduces an amazing new spiritual technology of personal and collective transformation. Based on the coded sequences of DNA, Richard shows how the fundamental patterns of our higher consciousness can be awakened through deep contemplation on our own 'Gene Keys'. Richard will share how this process begins with the awakening of individual genius, then expands through our heart and relationships to finally detonate as a vast global awakening that will continue over the coming centuries, transforming our Earth and all its systems.
PAWA Festival aims to explore the opportunities we have to reintegrate ancient knowledge into our modern civilisation, creating a new narrative for humanity. Delving into topics such as the future of web3, the Metaverse and AI as well as how consciousness can be the fundamental basis for conducting business, apps and self-transformation.
This exploration will help catalyse new opportunities for entrepreneurs, companies, and investors inspired by the visionaries in their respective fields, and offer a platform for turning new ideas into dynamic enterprises.
Each of the speakers will be livestreamed. Register below for more information.
Register Here
YouTube Live Event
Stability Live Event
Creating Safe and Stable Relationships
Using the six Lines of Purpose from your Venus Sequence, come and discover how you are designed to bring the best of yourself into every relationship. Are you the Anchor, the Natural, the Adventurer, the Nurturer, the Leader or the Visionary? Or are you the Loner, the Accuser, The Escape Artist, the Politician, the Victim or the Judge?
We each carry one of six possible archetypes – come and find out which one you are and how it either undermines or empowers all your relationships.
Click below for more details and to download a special PDF on your lines.
Learn more

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