Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Pulse - Gene Key 50 - Cosmic Order


Current World Theme
October 20th 2022 - October 24th 2022
Gene Key 50
Corruption – Equilibrium – Harmony
Gene Key 50 2022
No single gene key can be truly understood without an understanding of all the other gene keys, which is why it is so important to come to know the essence of each one. A single molecule of DNA contains every one of the 64 Gifts in archetypal chemical form, so every one of them also has a resonance within your being at some level.
It is interesting to note the relationship between this 50th Gift of Equilibrium and the 59th Gift of Intimacy. In a certain sense one could say that the 50th Gift holds the blueprint of equilibrium whilst the 59th implements it. You can also follow this connection into the shadow consciousness to find the deep connection between the 59th Shadow of Dishonesty and the 50th Shadow of Corruption. Intimacy is the key to manifesting equilibrium in the world. Intimacy in this context refers to honesty in interaction with others. The vital role of honesty is to create a clean group aura in which all hidden agendas are laid on the table. Without this, no true equilibrium can ever be reached.
From the Synthesis
The Love Letter
I cannot tell you the words, for they are not for you to hear. You must find your own words, as every person must. You must dive into the emerald waters of your own silent pool, and there you must find the golden love-letter that awaits you, dropped across the path to your heart. And there you must compose your letter and fall in love with your dream, and hardest of all, you must forever let it go…                       The Love Letter
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YouTube Live Event
Stability Live Event
21 Types of Chemistry – Sparks and Triggers
Have you ever wondered why some relationships are so easy and others so damn hard?! Inspired by the Venus Sequence, we look at the 21 possible combinations of relationship chemistry in the human attractor field. Divided into six broad categories: companionship, passion, adventurous, romantic, orbital and karmic, you can see the precise nature of your chemistry with any other person, using your Gene Keys Profile.
Send us your relationship data beforehand and we will pick at least 10 examples and do a live analysis of your relationship chemistry! 
To submit your partnership profile, click here.
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