Thursday, November 10, 2022

How to Become a Bodhisattva; Yes, We Can Have Hope; Light the Lantern of Compassion




How to Become a Bodhisattva
Pilar Jennings on how to overcome two common roadblocks to compassion. The key is facing the truth of suffering — your own and others.

Yes, We Can Have Hope
Roshi Joan Halifax reflects on the idea of “wise hope” and why we should open ourselves to it.
Light the Lantern of Compassion
When we learn that we are all interconnected, says Keturah Kendrick, we develop a deeper compassion for those around us and ourselves.
Rompiendo el tabú sobre la salud mental y emocional
La salud mental y emocional son parte íntegra de nuestras vidas dice Lorena Saavedra Smith. Las prácticas contemplativas nos pueden ayudar con nuestro bienestar.
How Are We Meeting This Moment?
Stephanie Kaza invites Buddhist communities, and specifically Buddhist leaders, to take a serious look at how they are — or aren’t — responding to the climate crisis.
Lion’s Roar Book Reviews for November 2022
An AI robot answers your spiritual questions. Bonnie Nadzam reviews this innovative new book and other titles coming out this fall.
Free for Subscribers: "Deep Dive into Tonglen" e-book
Available exclusively for Lion's Roar subscribers, this e-book features instructions and teachings on tonglen meditation, or “sending and taking,” an ancient Buddhist practice to awaken compassion.

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