Saturday, November 12, 2022

The Pulse - Gene Key 43 - Breakthrough


Current World Theme
November 11th 2022 - November 16th 2022
Gene Key 43
Deafness – Insight – Ephiphany
Gene Key 43 2022
Life is a mystery in which chance and love are dancing together. The more you allow love, the more chance appears to work in your favour. When you love totally, unconditionally, even chance is shown to be an illusion and the underlying cosmic geometry or cosmometry is revealed behind all things. It is only then that your timing becomes perfect and that which appears to be random is understood as an aspect of the holographic universe unfolding its myth through your life.
From the Synthesis
The Dream Arc prepares us for a new world in which reality itself is filled with living magic, where every creature is a living symbol of a divine truth that lives within us…
If you’re intrigued by the thought of connecting to the deep ancestral power of the Earth… if you’re eager to expand your creativity, unlock your intuitive wisdom, and open new circuits in your brain and body, join Sandie alongside Richard and Rosy, as they share the secrets of the Dream Arc Program.
Watch on YouTube
The Dream Arc
Transforming your life through the symbolic power of animals
The Dream Arc is the ultimate antidote for our troubled times, giving us a more magical experience of the universe, where we will learn:
  • That our trauma can only be released when we can see it and embrace it
  • That a sense of creative play can resolve most of our problems
  • That a spirit of generosity creates the ripples of unexpected miracles all around us
  • That every creature of the natural world holds a specific message for us
  • That your body is a reservoir of timeless ancestral wisdom
  • That action rooted in empathy can change anything in this world
In a world where fear and division are rife, the Dream Arc is a daily living practice that cuts right to the core of all our issues - bringing us into a direct and powerful relationship to ourselves, each other and the earth.
    Learn More
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