Friday, December 16, 2022

The Pulse - Gene Key 11 - The Light Of Eden


Current World Theme
December 15th 2022 - December 19th 2022
Gene Key 11
Obscurity – Idealism – Light
Gene Key 11 2022
The light has never been outside us but resides deep within matter itself. It is a little known paradoxical law that the densest regions conceal the highest vibrations, and that true ascension moves downwards and inwards.
The great challenge in today’s world is to bring clarity to the cosmic issue of good and evil. The mass consciousness, operating out of the left side of the brain, favours the light above all else. The feminine principle of darkness, coming through the right brain, has been set against the light. This is why an upsurge in darkness always precedes the breaking through of the true light, as opposed to our projected image of the light. The pure light of the 11th Siddhi has nothing to do with good or evil. It represents the transcendence of duality.
From the Synthesis
Living a Curved Life
In today’s worried world, this truth is needed more than any other thing – the remembrance of the essential – to trust in the curvature of your life, to enjoy where and when it intersects with the parabola of others, and to stop from time to time and rest beneath a shady tree, and just enjoy the perfume of your own being.
To explore more curves, delve into our course, The Art of Contemplation, or gift Richard Rudd’s beautiful book The Art of Contemplation to a loved one this holiday season.
Read/Download the article
Transforming Shadows Series
Transforming Self Judgment
In this contemplation, Richard dives deep into the theme of self-judgment from the unique view of our soul, which represents the process of eternal perfection. Weaving together these two themes of the self-judging human and the all-forgiving soul, Richard brings us into an integrated view that unites radical authenticity with deep self- compassion.
Watch the video contemplation

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