Friday, December 16, 2022

Thich Nhat Hanh's 5 Practices for Happiness; Podcast: Why We Meditate with Tsokyni Rinpoche and Daniel Goleman; Breaking Free From Addiction




5 Practices for Nurturing Happiness
“The essence of our practice can be described as transforming suffering into happiness,” writes the late Thich Nhat Hanh. Here, he offers five practices to nourish our happiness daily.

The Lion’s Roar Podcast: Why We Meditate with Tsokyni Rinpoche and Daniel Goleman
Exactly what is meditation good for? What does it do? Daniel Goleman and Tsokyni Rinpoche talk about their new book Why We Meditate: The Science and Practice of Clarity and Compassion.
Breaking Free from Addiction
The dharma can help people wake up to the truth of their substance abuse and find a way to get — and stay — sober. We present four true stories of recovery.
Holiday Blues
Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller on enjoying the holiday you’re having, not the one you were hoping for.
The Way of Flowers
Joan Stamm on how the Japanese art of flower arranging taught her to appreciate her mother — and the seeds she planted in Stamm’s heart.  
How to Practice Bearing Witness
Zen teacher Jules Shuzen Harris teaches us a three-step practice to connect with and serve those who are suffering. Illustrations by Carole Hénaff.
For Subscribers: “Meditations for Befriending Yourself” Audio Pack
Take some time to make friends with what you’re feeling. This audio collection available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers includes helpful, easy-to-follow meditation practices that will help you slow down, let go of what burdens you, and center yourself from Willa Blythe Baker, Ethan Nichtern, Josh Korda, and Diana Winston. 

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