Sunday, February 19, 2023

Expand Your Biblical Knowledge with Our Free Class on Daniel



We are thrilled to offer Dr. Longman's outstanding class on the book of Daniel through BiblicalTraining. As you may know, BiblicalTraining is a community of devoted Christian educators, pastors, and writers who have joined forces to offer top-notch biblical training to believers all over the world - all free of charge.


In order to continue to provide this incredible resource to those who hunger for biblical knowledge, we depend on the generosity of people like you. We humbly request that you consider supporting BiblicalTraining's mission with a donation, so that we can continue to offer this valuable content and expand our offerings to serve even more people.


Thank you for your consideration and support. Together, we can continue to spread the gospel and deepen the faith of Christians worldwide.

Give Now

Bill Mounce, PhD, MA

Speaker | Best Selling Author | Greek Biblical Expert | Bible Translator
Founder & President @BiblicalTraining

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