Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Joy of Living Newsletter - January


Articles Newsletter | January 2023

Love for Yourself
“Once I was giving a teaching on love. The theme of the talk was that everyone has love within them. No matter what the circumstance, who you are, or where you are in the world, you have love 24 hours a day — even when you are feeling anger or hatred. ” Mingyur Rinpoche
Preventing Conflict in a Group
“If you have more than one person in a room, you’ve automatically got more than one set of opinions and ideas there, too. And, generally speaking, you’re in a room full of folks secretly thinking that their ideas are best of the lot. “ - Mingyur Rinpoche
When Should I Say No?
A typical dilemma among meditators goes something like this: “Love and compassion is my practice, so if someone really needs help, I should jump in. But so many people need help, so much of the time — how can I possibly say yes to everybody without getting completely depleted?” - Mingyur Rinpoche
Joy of Living Online Training
Learn meditation under the skillful guidance of world-renowned teacher Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche at your own pace.

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