Wednesday, March 1, 2023

February Tergar Newsletter


Articles Newsletter | February 2023

How to get Past Failure
It is really important that we try to believe in ourselves. Of course, sometimes we make mistakes, but we can be willing to learn from them. Even if we feel like a failure, we can view that failure as a chance to grow.
The Benefits of Formal Meditation
Fifteen or twenty minutes of formal, seated meditation a day to anchor and develop your practice, and then – since you can’t always be sitting on a cushion in a nice quiet room —  plenty of informal meditation throughout the day. Repeat as necessary…ideally, throughout your life!
Self-Created Suffering
…the source of the distress is coming from your own mind. You’re the one beating yourself over the head. The good news is, this means you also have the power to stop!
Joy of Living Online Training
Learn meditation under the skillful guidance of world-renowned teacher Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche at your own pace.

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