Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Imagine You Are a Buddha; How to Not Burn Out; Meet the Kung Fu Nuns




Imagine You Are a Buddha
In this second part of his series on tantra, Mingyur Rinpoche explains how visualization practice helps us recognize our buddhanature.

How to Not Burn Out
Sustainable activism begins with not calling yourself an activist, says Keisha Bush.
The Kung Fu Nuns, Fighting for All Sentient Beings
Karen Greenspan reports on this courageous group of Himalayan Buddhist sisters, who champion gender equality and respect for the environment.
Becoming Frederick Douglass: Buddhist Documentary Writer Anne Seidlitz Shares His Path to Freedom
Lion’s Roar’s Pamela Ayo Yetunde talks to Buddhist documentary film writer Anne Seidlitz about PBS’ Becoming Frederick Douglass, which tells the story of one of the most recognized figures in U.S. Black History.

Free “Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit 2023” begins March 16
We are delighted to invite you to explore the key teachings and vision of His Holiness during the “Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit 2023.”
Share Your Wisdom: What spiritual/life lessons have you learned from your pet?
We have a question for you. What spiritual/life lessons have you learned from your pet? Send your answer, location, and a photo of your pet to for possible inclusion in the next issue of Lion’s Roar magazine.
For Subscribers: “How to Die a Good Death” Audio Teachings Pack
In this audio collection available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, Trudy Goodman gives a talk and teaches a practice for “cutting through deep identification with the body”; Judy Lief explains how to relate to death (and life!) through Tibetan Buddhism’s bardo system; Roshi Joan Halifax teaches practices for transforming grief.

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