Friday, May 26, 2023

FREE Training: Compassion-Based Approaches for Working with Shame


Sponsored Content from Awake Network Foundation

A growing body of research is illuminating what many of us already intuitively know: compassion and self-compassion are powerful antidotes to shame

For mental health professionals, this insight can be transformative for their work of supporting so many who are struggling in our world today

That’s why we’re happy to spread the word about a FREE new Compassion in Therapy training — and we hope you’ll help spread the word to mental health professionals you know too!

Compassion-Based Approaches for Working with Shame is a free online training for mental health professionals. Over three days, participants will learn from leading experts in the field, gaining science-based insights and practical skills through in-depth instruction, demonstrations with real clients, and guided practices

Learn more and register for the free online training, airing June 1–3 >>

In this free online training produced by our friends at the Awake Network and the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion, you’ll learn from some of the world's leading experts on shame, mindfulness, compassion, and self-compassion in therapy including: 

Gabor Mate, MD, Kristin Neff, PhD, Christopher Germer, PhD, Deran Young, LCSW, Paul Gilbert, PhD, Martha Sweezy, Phd, Deb Dana, LCSW,  Rick Hanson, PhD, Shelly Harrell, PhD, Kamilah Majied, PhD, Shari Geller, PhD, and many more…

With these teachers, you'll explore the latest research on shame and compassion; understand the relationship between shame and trauma; gain core skills for supporting your clients in embracing more self-compassion; and learn how to navigate “backdraft” to compassion and other common obstacles.

You’ll learn specific interventions, practices, and insights for working with shame directly from the founders and leading teachers of Compassion-Focused Therapy, Polyvagal Theory, Internal Family Systems, Compassionate Inquiry, Mindful Self-Compassion and more. 

Click here to learn more, or to sign up for the free online training, airing June 1–3 >>

Please forward this email to any friends or colleagues who might benefit from this free resource!

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Lion’s Roar is bringing you this offer on behalf of The Awake Network. It does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Lion’s Roar editorial staff.

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