Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Pema Chödrön's 6 Kinds of Loneliness; Discover the Freshness of Each Moment; The Inner Lives of Asian American Buddhists



Pema Chödrön’s Six Kinds of Loneliness

To be without a reference point is the ultimate loneliness. It is also called enlightenment.


Discover the Freshness of Each Moment

The fruit of Chan practice is discovering the freshness of each moment. Guo Gu on silent illumination, gong’an, and engaging with the world.

AAPI Month: Exploring the Inner Lives of Asian American Buddhists

For Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage month, we’re sharing articles by and about Asian American Buddhists from our archives. This week, we’re exploring the personal narratives of Asian American Buddhists.


How to Practice Bowing

When we bow to another person, says Brother Phap Hai, we honor both their goodness and our own.

Despertando al Sagrado Femenino

En el budismo Vajrayana las dakinis se ven como energía femenina desenfrenada e iluminada. Lama Tsultrim Allione nos comparte cómo descubrió su propio poder de dakini.

Read Awakening the Sacred Feminine by Lama Tsultrim Allione in English, here.

Buddhadharma on Books, Spring 2023

Joie Szu-Chiao Chen reviews The Two Truths in Indian Buddhism, Buddhist Ecological Protection of Space, Forgiveness: An Alternative Account, and more.

New for Subscribers: “Great Dharma Teachers: Robert Waldinger” Audio Interview

In this audio interview available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, our editor-in-chief Melvin McLeod sits down with Buddhist teacher, psychiatrist, leading researcher, and author of The Good LifeLessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness, Dr. Robert Waldinger, to discuss his findings on what really makes us happy.


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