Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Buddha's Path to Awakening; What A.I. Means for Buddhism; Am I Supposed to Stop Thinking? Inbox



The Buddha’s Path to Awakening

The Buddha discovered a path to liberation, and more than two thousand years later people are still following in his footsteps. Heather Sanche unpacks his life, legacy, and essential teachings.


What A.I. Means for Buddhism

AI can articulate the sum total of human knowledge, but can it help us cultivate wisdom and compassion — or is it a danger on the spiritual path? Ross Nervig investigates. 

Am I Supposed to Stop Thinking?

Three Buddhist teachers answer the question “Are we supposed to stop or transcend thinking altogether, or to find another, more enlightened way to think?”



The Simple Insight That Made Me a Buddhist

John Mifsud shares the story of how he found himself at the feet of a golden Buddha in Thailand, where a simple insight changed his perspective.


Lion’s Roar July 2023 Book Reviews

Bonnie Nadzam surveys new books on crisis care, climate change, and deep dharma.


Lessons from a Wildfire

When his community’s beloved retreat center burned to the ground, Anam Thubten took it as a teaching on impermanence. Instead of futilely fighting loss, he says, let it be our invitation to freedom and spaciousness.

For Subscribers: “Great Dharma Teachers: Reb Anderson” Audio Interview

This audio interview available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers features a far-ranging conversation between Tenshin Reb Anderson, senior dharma teacher of the San Francisco Zen Center community, and Lion’s Roar editor-in-chief Melvin McLeod. Topics include the role of joy and warmth in practice, the bodhisattva path of dedication to others, and more.


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