Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Free: 6-Day, Online, Rewiring Your Brain World Summit


Sponsored Content from Heart Mind Institute

Our friends at Heart Mind Institute and Neurodynamic Institute have created an extraordinary, Free, online Summit to explore how human beings can harness the power of neuroplasticity and transform neural architecture for optimal health & well-being, longevity, life performance, and happiness. 

Over six powerful days, you will have the opportunity to learn how to reprogram your brain for success and happiness  with over 40 world-class experts – neuroscientists, neuropsychologists, neuro-technologists, and visionary teachers including…

Wim Hof, Sharon Salzberg, John Assaraf, Marisa Peer, Pedram Shojai,  Gita Vaid, Rick Hanson, Dan Siegel, Kristin Willeumier, Jack Kornfield,  Dae’Ess 1Dreah, Dawson Church, Sue Morter, Ocean Robbins, Kelly Lambert, Steven Kotler, Cassandra Vieten, Alex Ortner, Lana Morrow, Alex Howard and many more… 

You will also have the opportunity to interact with tens of thousands of like-minded human beings exploring the neuro-science of thriving during this first-of-its-kind, six-day Rewiring Your Brain World Summit with 48-hours Free viewing access to each Summit day’s presentations.

During the Summit, you’ll hear about the cutting-edge research on neuroplasticity and be able to explore different practices and techniques for healing and transforming your neural architecture, while connecting with a global community of like-minded individuals interested in brain health and human potential. This Summit is sure to be an illuminating and transformative experience.

This extraordinary 6-day transformational journey is completely free to attend.  So why not sign up today and join us for this one-of-a-kind event? Just click the link below to claim your free ticket:


Join us for this amazing journey from the comfort of your own home, and… 
  • Learn from over 40 world-class experts about how to reprogram your brain for success and happiness
  • Get access to powerful strategies for managing stress, anxiety and depression
  • Practice mindfulness techniques to enhance focus, clarity and productivity
  • Discover proven methods for improving memory, concentration and cognitive function
  • Explore the relationship between consciousness, mind, and the brain
  • Learn how to cultivate positive habits and behaviors that support your goals
  • Join a community of like-minded individuals on a journey of personal transformation

Free streaming of the summit starts Tuesday, June 20th at 7:00 am EDT USA, click here to claim your free ticket.

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Lion’s Roar is bringing you this offer on behalf of Heart Mind Institute. It does not necessarily reflect the the views or opinions of Lions Roar editorial staff.

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