Saturday, June 10, 2023

Watch A Keynote Interview with Jack Kornfield & Trudy Goodman


You're Invited to Watch A Free Keynote Interview
with Jack Kornfield & Trudy Goodman, from Buddhism & Psychology, our newest online multi-teacher course.
In this free teaching, Jack and Trudy Explore:
  • How the causes of suffering include our personal histories, misconceptions about the nature of self, and embodied social and political experiences.
  • How Buddhist teachings on awareness and interdependence can help us see beyond our misconceptions about the self and discover our true nature.
  • How techniques like mindfulness, loving-kindness, and compassion help us recognize attachments, let go of identification with suffering, and experience freedom.
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Buddhism & Psychology: Timeless Wisdom for Modern Healing
A brand new multi-teacher online course, coming June 19th

The keynote interview with Jack Kornfield and Trudy Goodman offers a glimpse of what will be explored in Buddhism & Psychology, our brand new online course bringing together twelve leading psychologists and Buddhist teachers. They will show us how Buddhism and psychology work together to help us heal, experience well-being, and find joy. 

We will learn the real secrets to a happy life and effective methods to work with challenges such as trauma, anxiety, and stress. Bringing together the deep insight and powerful methods of these two great traditions, this course will be practical and profound, healing and hopeful. Mind, body, and heart—this is a complete path for the whole person. 


Here's a sneak peek at what you'll explore in the course:

  • What Actually Makes Us Happy with Robert Waldinger, MD
  • A Joyful Life with Allyson Pimentel, PhD
  • Self-Compassion, Mindfulness, and Freedom from Suffering with Chris Germer, PhD 
  • The Brahmaviharas as Avenues for Psychological Well-Being and Change with Rose Mina Munjee, PhD
  • The Stress Prescription with Elissa Epel, PhD
  • And more.

By delving deeper into the roots of individual and collective suffering, you will learn to tend to your own pain with awareness and self-compassion while cultivating a deeper appreciation of the fundamental goodness of all human beings.

We invite you to join our free keynote interview with Jack Kornfield and Trudy Goodman, where we’ll begin to explore how Buddhist teachings and psychotherapy can work together to address the causes of human suffering, and help cultivate a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

Sign Up to Access Your Free Teaching: Keynote Interview with Jack Kornfield & Trudy Goodman from Buddhism & Psychology.
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