Thursday, August 10, 2023

Liberation for All Women; How Listening Becomes a Spiritual Practice; The Power of Tonglen



Liberation for All Women

What are the challenges for today’s Buddhist women, and how can they be overcome? Mihiri Tillakaratne discusses these pressing questions with Lama Karma Chotso, Arisika Razak, Sharon Suh, and Brooke Schedneck. From the September 2023 issue of Lion’s Roar magazine.


How Listening Becomes a Spiritual Practice

Everything and everyone are always teaching us the dharma, says Christian McEwen. We just have to know how to listen.

The Power of Tonglen

On the inbreath, says Judy Lief, take in what is bad, freeing others from it. On the outbreath, offer what is good.

Read this teaching in Spanish here.



Beyond the Binary

With our ideas of right and wrong, male and female, we’re stuck in the suffering of dualistic thinking. Nonbinary author Tomara Garrod wants freedom.


Siddhartha’s 100th Birthday

A century after its publication, Randy Rosenthal explores how Hermann Hesse’s classic novel Siddhartha came to be amidst the author’s personal struggles and search for life’s deeper meaning.


The Promise of Nibbana

According to the Buddha, final liberation is marked by an end of craving and, ultimately, all suffering. What does that look like and how is it achieved? The late Burmese meditation master Mahasi Sayadaw explains.

For Subscribers: “Deep Dive Into Vipassana” Ebook

Theravada is the earliest form of institutionalized Buddhism and is still practiced today in Sri Lanka. In the US, Theravada mostly manifests through the teaching of Vipassana, particularly its popular meditation technique, mindfulness, the awareness of what is happening now — thoughts, feelings, sensations — without judgment or attachment. In this ebook available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, you’ll learn the history behind Vipassana and how to practice it with wisdom from Bhante Bodhidhamma, Joseph Goldstein, Bhikkhu Bodhi and more.


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