Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The One Life and the Paramita Path | newsletter TSPL | Oct 2023


Lectures Universal Wisdom

newsletter TSPL October 2023-2
An extra newsletter this October to point at the extra lecture and study in the Universal Wisdom series: The One Life and the Pāramitā Path by guest speaker Elton Hall.
NOTE: we will return to standard time in Europe this weekend, so please use the 'convert your timezone' link below to check the right time for the start of the lectures and studies!
Lectures Universal Wisdom
The One Life and the Paramita Path

All existence, visible and invisible, is a unity in diversity. The source of this unity is called the One Life, and it is what we ultimately are. This Theosophical teaching has many implications, and they are given throughout H.P.B.’s The Secret Doctrine and other writings. We will explore some of those implications with emphasis on the Pāramitā Path given in The Voice of the Silence. We will see that what seems inconceivably abstract is intimately connected with practical thought and action for those seeking to live a Theosophical life.


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Lecture LIVE on Sunday October 29 at 19.30 CET. Convert to your timezone.

Related study meeting on Sunday November 5 at 19.30 CET via Zoom.


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New course!
Universal Wisdom

This January (2024) we will start with our new course Universal Wisdom. The course is held online, via Zoom.


This course is based on Universal Wisdom. Everyone can get to know this wisdom. This wisdom is not new; it is the heart of all great religious, philosophical and scientific systems. This wisdom enables you to solve any question of life and to contribute to a more harmonious world.


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Lectures Universal Wisdom
Magazine Lucifer the Lightbringer
 Lucifer No. 3 - 2023

In this issue:

  • The spiritual impulse of Helena P. Blavatsky

  • Utopia: does the happy land exist?

  • The theosophical view of our eyesight

  • How to find your Work?

  • Atmosphere at birth
  • Influencing karma
  • Does acquired knowledge get lost?

  • What is Devachan?

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Universal Wisdom

Theosophia teaches that Man is a miniature copy of the Universe. He can discover within himself universal wisdom and, most importantly, transform his own life.


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Lectures Universal Wisdom

Our purpose is to form a core of Universal Brotherhood, by spreading the knowledge regarding the spiritual structure of man and the cosmos, free of dogmas. 
All our activities are carried out on voluntary basis. The organization has no paid officials. If you are willing to support our work you can contribute by making a donation using the button below.

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