Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The 4 Points of Letting Go in the Bardo; How to Do Gatha Practice; Embracing Courage in a World in Crisis



The 4 Points of Letting Go in the Bardo

It’s when we lose the illusion of control — when we’re most vulnerable and exposed — that we can discover the creative potential of our lives. Pema Khandro Rinpoche explains four essential points for understanding what it means to let go, and what is born when we do.


How to Do Gatha Practice

By reciting the short verses known as gathas, says Zachiah Murray, we transform any activity into an opportunity to awaken to our true nature.


Embracing Courage in a World in Crisis

When the suffering of the world knocks at our door, says Singhashri Gazmuri, we must be courageous enough to open it.



How to Notice Craving and Aversion

To give yourself a fighting chance against negative patterns, says Josh Korda, you’ve got to get at the driving forces behind them.

Gone, Gone, Everything Gone

Like leaves in the autumn or wood in the fire, all things pass. But, there is a moment in which we can see things as they are.

Día a día, momento a momento.

Sandra Gonzalez nos habla sobre la percepción directa, donde el escuchar simple nos lleva a vivir en contacto directo con lo que está pasando aquí en el momento presente.  

For Subscribers: “Deep Dive Into Karma” Ebook

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said that karma is the most difficult Buddhist concept to understand. In every moment, we can choose the seeds we plant for our future happiness. In this ebook available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, teachers such as Ajahn Buddhadhasa, Toni Bernhard, and Judy Lief introduce you to the concept of karma.


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