Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Welcome to Nectar of The Path: Watch the recording of the session


Nectar of the Path  
Welcome Session: Entering the Vajrayana Path

Hello susanto .,

Mingyur Rinpoche refers to the Nectar of the Path liturgy as a “main dish” practice, in other words, a practice he encourages us to spend time — even a lifetime — doing as it encompasses all the important elements of practice in a succinct way.

“The Nectar of the Path is such a beautiful way of coming home every day, and it doesn't take long. You can go through it in a very short time, or you can spend more time on it, as you wish.” Lucas Hendriksson

Course guides Kasumi Kato and Lucas Hendriksson received some excellent questions at our recent Welcome Session:

What are the components of the course? 

The course consists of four modules: The Four Thoughts, Refuge, Bodhicitta, and Guru Yoga. Each module contains self-study videos, audio, and readings. The course is supplemented by live weekly practice sessions and biweekly Heart-to-Heart discussion sessions. In the practice sessions, we will go through the liturgy using its signature accompanying melody.

I come from the Joy of Living track and have not done any Buddhist studies. Will this be difficult? 
It may feel like a lot at the outset, but over time, bit by bit, the profoundness of the practice will naturally sink in. As you practice, again and again, you will find the pith instructions will begin to come to mind in the midst of daily life.

Do I need to have completed the Joy of Living courses before joining the Nectar of the Path course?
No, the course is open for everyone to join. Please note, that for those of you planning on the Path of Liberation (POL) track, which also uses the Nectar liturgy, you will want to ensure that you attend a POL event for the needed transmissions and instructions. In any case, everyone is welcome in this Nectar course! There are no prerequisites.

Do we need to follow the course at the pace it is being presented?
You can follow the pacing of the course, one module per month, with a break in December. If you prefer, you can go through the material at your own pace. Please do not feel pressured to go through all the course components: the materials are there as an offering.

Is it possible to practice this liturgy for those of us with busy lives?
Yes! The practice was written by Mingyur Rinpoche with the intention that those of us with busy family and work lives can practice it! In fact, the subtitle of the liturgy is entitled “A Reminder for Daily Practice.”

Please click here to listen to the Welcome Session in its entirety. It was a fantastic session and many questions were answered and we also did a guided meditation practice.

Watch the Welcome Session →

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