Sunday, December 24, 2023

May All Beings Be Happy; How to Work with the Winter Blues; A Very Buddhist Christmas



Loving-Kindness: May All Beings Be Happy

Melvin Escobar teaches metta, a concentration practice to cultivate unconditional goodwill for all. In precarious times like these, it’s a way to listen to our hearts.


How to Work with the Winter Blues

“Perhaps,” says Sylvia Boorstein, “these days of less sunlight are opportunities for more contemplative time, more looking deeply to see what can only be seen in the dark.”


Have a Very Buddhist Christmas

Joy, giving, family, and peace — people of all faiths can celebrate these values of the holiday season. Seven Buddhists offer their take on yuletide dharma.



Cuando la noche se ilumina

Santiago Avilés refleja sobre el simbolismo de la iluminación presente en la celebración tradicional de la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción en Colombia, al igual que en la celebración Zen de Rohatsu, o la celebración del despertar del Buda. Estas dos celebraciones inspiradas en la luz y la iluminación, nos invitan a la contemplacion, la meditación, y a mantener encendida la lumbre de nuestra determinación espiritual, cualquiera que sea nuestra práctica.

You Don’t Have to Know

John Tarrant shares how he discovered that not knowing is the best — and maybe the only possible — response to suffering.  

Generosity’s Perfection

Giving up, giving in, just plain giving — Sharon Salzberg says that’s the truly transformative experience. Generosity opens our heart, frees us from attachment and is the basis of all good qualities. It’s the foundation of the Buddhist path.

For Subscribers: “The Essential Guide To Working With Difficult Emotions” Ebook

So much of our happiness depends on how we work with our emotions. Buddhist practice helps us understand the energy of strong emotions, free ourselves from negative emotional patterns, and discover the wisdom in even the most difficult emotions. In this helpful guide, a number Buddhist teachers offer insights and techniques to help us work with difficult emotions.

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