Monday, February 12, 2024

Announcing the Living a Joyful Life Summit


Hello Friend,

Would you like to live with more inner peace, freedom and joy? Are you unsure of how to make changes to live better?

Wisdom for Life is presenting an extraordinary online event, called the Living a Joyful Life Summit, and we are inviting you to attend for FREE.

Joy is not just a fleeting emotion — it's a vital aspect of a well-rounded, healthy life. This summit is designed to help you get rid of the blocks that have been holding you back from having more of the joy you deserve.

More joy in your life leads to:

  • More energy and vitality, improved physical and mental health

  • Stronger, more meaningful relationships

  • Increased productivity and creativity, better decision making, and living with more fulfillment and purpose

  • And so much more…

Our friends at Wisdom for Life have put together a remarkable group of people to guide you through this 5-day event.

Presenters include Tara Brach, Sharon Salzberg, Jack Kornfield, Sam Harris, Michael Beckwith, Byron Katie, Anne Lamott, Maria Shriver, Dan Harris, Daniel Goleman, Tami Simon, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Trudy Goodman, Dan Siegel, Kristin Neff, Joseph Goldstein, Krishna Das, Terry Real, Rhonda Magee, Richard Davidson, Robert Thurman and many more.

Register now for FREE.

This summit will help you:

  • Solve Real-Life Challenges - Whether it’s stress, lack of purpose, or everyday monotony, the Summit offers solutions to enhance your daily experience

  • Boost Your Well-Being - Immerse in practices that enhance your mental, emotional, and physical well-being

  • Unlock Creativity and Innovation - Discover how joy and positivity can unlock your creative potentials, leading to personal and professional growth

    And much more.

Sign Up FREE

P.S. When you sign up for FREE right now you will immediately receive these five exclusive bonuses to help you on your way…

  • Jack Kornfield & Trudy Goodman’s Awareness as a Tool: How to Find Balance and Calm from Within Video Presentation

  • Jon Kabat-Zinn’s The Meditation Practice Is Life Itself Video Presentation

  • Ruth King’s Shifting Your Expectations: How to Live Life With More Joy Video Presentation

  • Chapter from Rick Hanson’s latest book, Making Great Relationships

  • Tea: Handheld Meditation eBook from Spirituality & Health

Get these valuable bonuses when you sign up now for FREE.

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