Saturday, February 10, 2024

How free are you really


Lectures Universal Wisdom
newsletter TSPL February 2024
How free are you really?
Mystically, mentally, socially

In our society, many seek their happiness in maximum personal freedom. At the same time, we are every day confronted with the fact that the freedom that one person takes, often comes at the expense of the freedom and well-being of many others. What is the explanation of this? What is the nature and power of our free will, mystically, mentally and socially? 


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Lectures LIVE on Sunday January 7 at 19.30 CET. Convert to your timezoneRelated study meetings on Sunday January 14 at 19.30 CET via Zoom.


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Migration: how life pulsates through and on earth

According to the universal wisdom or Theosophia, Earth is a living being. Just as our lungs take in oxygen with every breath, our heart pumps our blood through our body and we go through the cycle of our digestion daily, so too life pulsates through and on Earth in many ways. Watch the lecture (see below) and sign up for the study group.


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Related study meeting on Sunday February 11 at 19.30 CET via Zoom. Convert to your timezone


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Video past lecture
Migration: how life pulsates through and on earth

Life pulsates through and on Earth in many ways. Thus, migrations are a natural part of Nature. Working on with Nature requires breaking barriers, both inner and outer.


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Lucifer No. 4 - 2023

In this issue:

Symposium 2023: The Religion of the Future
  • Introduction

  • One Life

  • Religion is a workout

  • The religion of the future

Other articles
  • The soul of an ideal

  • Impartiality: guarantee of peace

  • Q&A about symbols

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