Tuesday, March 12, 2024

he Women of Wisdom Summit | Learn From 19 Inspiring Leaders.


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The Women of Wisdom Summit starts next week! We are counting down the days until this monumental gathering with 19 inspiring women leaders who will each share their deep insights and practical wisdom for healing, well-being, and collective growth.

It’s not too late to save your free spot. When you sign up, you’ll get access to five days of talks exploring meaningful topics such as:

• Empowerment and self-appreciation

• Resilience against societal conditioning

• Building a supportive community

• Holistic approach to health, self-care, and stress

• Life-enriching practices for greater joy & gratitude

• Healing and transformation of negative patterns

• Boundary setting for well-being

• Building emotional resilience

• Awakening inner wisdom
• And more…

We have a truly outstanding line-up of presenters for this event. Here are some of the inspiring leaders you can look forward to learning from:

This esteemed lineup of scholars, thought leaders, and Buddhist teachers will share practices for deep healing, guidance on how to awaken the enlightened feminine within, teachings on integrating mindful practices into daily life, and tools for fostering kind and strong communities.

Each session offers insights and practical tools for personal growth and empowerment, for harmonizing body and mind, and for embarking on a path toward collective liberation.

It’s not too late to sign up! Don’t miss this groundbreaking, global gathering offering a profound opportunity for empowerment, uplift, and healing.

When you sign up, you’ll get free access to:

  • 15+ talks and practice sessions, including:

    • Loving-kindness Head to Toe: How to Appreciate Your Body As It Is with Mushim Ikeda

    • 10 Inspiring Buddhist Women: What You Can Learn from Their Lives & Teachings with Andrea Miller

    • The Tara in Each of Us: Empowering the Heart of Compassion with Lama Döndrup Drölma

    • Your Guide to Engaged Buddhism: Wisdom & Practices to Nourish Women Activists with Christina Moon

    • Love & Justice: How We Can Achieve Collective Liberation with Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel

    • And many more.

  • 3 live keynote events, hosted by Sharon Suh at 12pm EDT:

    • Welcome to Women of Wisdom with Trudy Goodman | March 21st

    • Confidence, Self-Worth, and Self-Compassion on the Path with Lama Tsultrim Allione | March 23rd

    • Leading with Clarity, Courage and Compassion: Cultivating the Practice-Supported Leader Within with Hoshi Rhonda Magee | March 25th

  • An instant-download eBook:

    • Fearlessness, Love, and Living Fully: bell hooks in conversation with Maya Angelou, Pema Chödrön, Sharon Salzberg, and Eve Ensler

Save your spot today, and join us next week for The Women of Wisdom Summit!

Register For Free

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