Wednesday, March 13, 2024

What Is Love Asking From Us?; The Four Givings; Green Tara Practice



What Is Love Asking From Us?

In Gaza, says Buddhist teacher Tara Brach, it is asking us to open our hearts fully to all the victims, all the harms, all the needs. Only then is there a real pathway to peace.


The Four Givings

Buddhism’s four immeasurables aren’t just states of mind we can achieve, says Venerable Hui Cheng. They’re gifts we can give to others.


Green Tara: You Are the Divine Feminine

No matter your gender identification, you can do Green Tara practice and help bring yourself—and the world—into balance. Lama Döndrup Drölma offers step-by-step instructions.

Watch Lama Döndrup Drölma in Lion’s Roar’s free online event, “The Women of Wisdom Summit,” March 21-25.


Ask the Teachers: What Would the Buddha Do?

Myokei Caine-Barrett, Dave Smith, and Lama Karma Yeshe Chödrön on knowing — or not knowing — what the Buddha would do.

I’m the Aunty Now!

For Lion’s Roar Associate Editor Mihiri Tillakaratne, “aunty” is a verb. It’s what she does to support and shape her community.


Ella quien escucha los llantos del mundo

En la iconografía budista, la compasión se encarna en la bodhisattva Kuan Yin, se dice que ella se manifiesta donde los seres necesitan ayuda. Engendrar tal compasión no es sólo bueno para los demás, dice Christina Feldman, también es bueno para nosotros. Al poner a los otros primero, suavizamos las ataduras a la fijación del yo, y al hacerlo, nos acercamos a nuestra propia liberación.

Read “She Who Hears the Cries of the World” in English, here.

For Subscribers: “Working with the Hard Stuff” Audio Teachings Pack

This audio collection available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, features helpful talks and meditations for working with life’s difficulties — from troublesome emotions to physical pain — from Diana Winston, Anyen Rinpoche and Allison Choying Zangmo, Lama Rod Owens, and Lama Tsomo.


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