Thursday, March 21, 2024

Phakchok Rinpoche Introduces Samye Student Pathways


Dear Dharma Friend,

1. The Pathway of Dignity

The Pathway of Dignity focuses on self-discovery, exploring one's path, and understanding one's character. It aims to awaken dignity, wisdom, and compassion, encouraging students to cultivate kindness towards themselves and others.

2. The Pathway of Transformation

The Pathway of Transformation emphasizes the transformation of feelings, emotions, and thoughts through a comprehensive two-year meditation course and training in loving-kindness and compassion. Students will gain familiarity with various meditation techniques and nurture bodhicitta, striving to diminish negative emotions and bolster positive qualities.

3. The Pathway of Realization

The Pathway of Realization follows the traditional Vajrayana journey, inviting students to take refuge and receive empowerment. At its core is Guru Padmasambhava's "Gradual Path of the Wisdom Essence" (Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo), focusing on compassion (lamrim), pure perception (yeshe), and recognition (nyingpo). This path offers a rich array of Vajrayana methods designed to unveil our true nature and foster enlightenment. The student progresses in stages through this pathway, beginning with the four foundations, or ngöndro practices.

In the forthcoming Zoom teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche will introduce these pathways, highlighting the key elements relevant to the spiritually curious and to both new and seasoned practitioners

The teachings will be translated into the following languages: Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, Ukrainian, and Nepali.

Click here to register for the teaching

ID: 896 9309 9262
Passcode: 291396

Sarva Mangalam,

The Samye Institute Team

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