Thursday, March 21, 2024

The Women of Wisdom Summit Starts in 2 Days! Claim Your Free Access Now

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Dear Friend,

My name is Andrea Miller, and I’m the editor of Lion’s Roar Magazine. I want to extend a heartfelt invitation to The Women of Wisdom Summit, starting this Thursday, March 21st.

This event will be a dedicated space to explore women’s experiences on the Buddhist path and in life. All are welcome, regardless of gender. Our 19 panelists will offer invaluable wisdom for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of Buddhism and the ways it can offer peace, well-being, and personal and collective growth.

All of the women in this event have offered their insights on the pages of Lion’s Roar. I have felt the benefit of their teachings in my life, and I know they can do the same for you. They’ll lead us in exploring a number of topics. To highlight just a few:

Yoga teacher Cyndi Lee will guide us in practices to reduce stress and promote well-being; Buddhist nun Sister Dang Nghiem, M.D. will help us uncover and transform suffering from past traumas; Professor Emerita Jan Willis, Ph.D., will explore significant roles of women in Buddhist texts and what they mean for our own awakening; Tami Simon, founder of Sounds True, will share insights for finding alignment with our work and nurturing our unique gifts; Zen teacher Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, Ph.D., will guide us in transforming hatred and division by recognizing our common humanity.

Sign up to gain free access to all 5 days of the summit, including over 15 sessions with free on-demand access.

We also have three live keynote events. Signing up gets you free access to live teachings and Q&A with:

Our daily presenters and keynote speakers have walked many different paths. They each have unique perspectives to share, and we are honored to bring them all together for this free online event.

Please join us this Thursday, March 21st to kick off The Women of Wisdom Summit!

The summit begins this week! RSVP today to save your spot.

When: March 21st - 25th

Where: Online

Cost: FREE

How it works:

We will notify you by email at 9:00 am EDT each day with an access link to view sessions and live keynotes. Each pre-recorded session is available to watch for free, on-demand for 48 hours.

Sign Up + Get Free Access

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