Friday, June 28, 2024

Symposium & ITC 2024


Lectures Universal Wisdom

newsletter TSPL June 2024
Symposium 2024


The fact that we are more than our bodies is something is the common thread of all world traditions. But what does this ‘more' entail? This question will be addressed during the lectures and workshops. 

Why is this question so important? Because the answer to who we really are, is also the fundamental answer to all the disharmony that we see in the world today, both socially and individually.

Online via ZOOM 

Sunday September 15 at 18.00 CE(S)T. Convert to your timezone.

International Theosophy Conferences
What is a Human Being?
“Man, Know Thyself”
Date: July 18-21, 2024
Location: Online
At this conference we will explore what a human being is in the broadest theosophical sense and hear short lectures followed by study groups. 

Click below to go to the ITC website for the program (in all different time zones), the readings to prepare and to register. 

Video past lecture
Magazine Lucifer the Lightbringer
Conscience, intuition, inspiration

Every human being has signposts within himself to grow inwardly: conscience, intuition and inspiration. In this lecture and study we will cover recognizable, practically applicable hints and insights, with which everyone can go on their own quest to their deepest SELF. 


Watch lectures

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