Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Dalai Lama’s Life Lived for All; The Intersection of Buddhist Wisdom and Psychology; Guided Breath Meditation


The Dalai Lama: A Long Life Lived for All

This past weekend, His Holiness the Dalai Lama celebrated his 89th birthday. Why is he an inspiration to so many people of such diverse backgrounds? Roshi Joan Halifax explains.


Embracing Compassion: Explore the Intersection of Buddhist Wisdom and Modern Psychology

Learn how Maitri Space Awareness and contemplative psychology can transform personal well-being and interpersonal relationships.




Watch: Guided Breath Meditation with Dan Zigmond

Dan Zigmond leads us through a guided breath meditation practice to settle fully in the present moment.


Wake Up!

“No striving” is a common refrain in spiritual circles, but that’s not what inspires Cristina Moon. Her path is vigor—radical, total awakening.
This article was published in the June issue of 
Bodhi Leaves: The Asian American Buddhist Monthly. 
For more stories by and about Asian American Buddhists, sign up here.

Fat Dharma: Dawn Haney on Teaching Buddhism for Body Liberation

Dawn Haney, along with co-teacher Nina Herzog, will lead the upcoming online course “Fat Dharma” at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. Haney spoke with Lion’s Roar about the healing potential of integrating the wisdom of fat liberation with Buddhism to create a more inclusive dharma.

How to Work with Anger

Monica Jordan explores how to meet anger with conscious awareness.
Para leer este artículo en español: Como trabajar con la ira

For Subscribers: “The Essential Guide to How to Meditate” Ebook

As Norman Fischer writes in this ebook available exclusively to Lion’s Roar subscribers, “If you want to meditate, there is virtually no excuse not to.” If you’ve never tried meditation, or if you’ve fallen out of practice with it, there’s no time like the present to get recentered. These teachings and step-by-step practices from Thich Nhat Hanh, Judy Lief, Pema Chödrön, Jules Shuzen Harris, and more will teach you the value of cultivating a meditation practice.

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