Sunday, October 11, 2020

Calm in the Midst of Chaos; bell hooks on the sacredness of writing; Thich Nhat Hanh health update




Calm in the Midst of Chaos
Buddhist teacher Sharon Salzberg on the power of equanimity to find calm and steadiness under stress

Thich Nhat Hanh’s health reported “stable” — despite social media messages saying otherwise

Though a number of recent social-media posts indicated that Thich Nhat Hanh, who turns 94 on October 11, had ceased eating, Plum Village reports his health “currently remains stable thanks to the love and care of his medical team and monastic attendants.”

The Opposite of Grasping is Intimacy
Each of us, says Lama Willa Miller, is stuck in appearances, but pulling away won’t set us free — instead, we need to look closer.
The Kung Fu Nuns, Fighting for All Sentient Beings
A courageous group of Himalayan Buddhist sisters are championing gender equality and respect for the environment. In the November 2020 issue of Lion’s Roar, Karen Greenspan reports.  
Voices and Visions
“When the spirit moves into writing, shaping its direction, that is a moment of pure mystery. It is a visitation of the sacred that I cannot call forth at will.” bell hooks shares how writing becomes a way into the realm of the sacred.
The Four Immeasurables Leave Nothing Untouched
If you don’t want your happiness to impede that of someone else, says Vanessa Zuisei Goddard, practice the four immeasurables. It will help you make space for others in your mind and to see others as yourself.
Share Your Wisdom: For you, which is the most difficult precept to keep?
For you, which is the most difficult precept to keep? Why? Tell us what you think by sending an email to Be sure to include your name, location, and a photo of yourself for possible inclusion in Lion’s Roar magazine. 

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